Whether you have a residential refrigerator or a commercial refrigerator, all refrigerators need to be maintained regularly in order to serve your needs for longer. There are a series of simple maintenance tasks you can carry out so that you have a refrigerator that runs like new every day.
You should set the freezer temperature at 0 degrees and the fridge temperature around 37 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. This will help your food in the fridge and the freezer to stay fresh for as long as possible and avoid food going bad that will contaminate your refrigerator. We understand that some fridges do not show the temperature settings in specific degrees Fahrenheit so in such instances, you can always set the temperature controls by choosing the middle settings.
If your fridge door seal is working as it should be, you will save on energy as your fridge is airtight. Loose fridge door seals will allow the cold air to seep out and this will make your refrigerator work harder than it should, potentially causing an earlier breakdown. Try to clean your door seal at least twice a year with water or a solution that’s made with water and baking soda. If you notice a loose door seal, get a refrigerator technician in to check this for you.
If your fridge door gaskets are damaged, whether it’s covered in food residue or it has a crack, this situation will eventually lead to an expensive gasket repair. Damaged door gaskets can also lead to air leaks and this will increase your energy bills. In order to keep your door gaskets working well, always wipe them down every once a month with a damp cloth. For commercial fridges, wipe the door gaskets down once a week as there might be more grease and dirt accumulated in a commercial kitchen environment.
To run the fridge efficiently, you have to make sure that the condenser coils are not covered in dust or dirt. When coils are dusty or dirty, they may lead to component failures or overheating problems. It is recommended that you use a vacuum with the brush attachment to clean the condenser coils every three months to keep your fridge running like new.
If you have accidentally spill liquid inside your refrigerator, it is important to immediately wipe that up. You need to prevent any moisture build-up in your fridge so that not only can you avoid slips and falls, you can also prevent your fried or freezer to freeze up over time. Of course, there are many other more fridge maintenance tasks you can do to help maintain your refrigerator, but the above-mentioned ones are among the most basic tasks you can partake to keep your fridge running smoothly. Whether you have a bottom freezer refrigerator or a French door fridge, you can make use of these fridge maintenance tips to avoid costly fridge repairs and replacements.