Top 5 Signs Indicating That You Need A New Washer

Most of us are not experienced repair technicians, particularly when it comes to household appliances related to laundry. Hence, there is a high chance that many of us do not know when our washer needs to be repaired, and when it needs to be replaced entirely. Here are the top 5 warning signs of an impending breakdown of your washer so that you can prepare to save money for purchasing a new one instead of wasting your money on repairing.

Excessive Leaking

One of the most obvious signs that your washer has an issue is a leaking washing machine. Usually, this problem is due to either a loose connection or overflowing. If your washer is already quite old, it may use the same amount of water for all the various size loads. You can take certain precautions to minimize leaking by observing how much you can fit into the appliance and still have space for spinning, turning, and shaking.

If the method abovementioned is not effective, the issue may be due to the water hose coming loose from excessive movement or vibration.

Excessive Noise

If your washer creates an excessive noise whenever it is running, it is usually because it is not balanced. Usually, this issue can be easily solved, and you do not have to engage a technician. However, it may also be a sign of a bigger issue and you should take necessary steps to prevent it from becoming worse. One temporary solution to minimize the excessive noise is to stop the wash cycle and rearrange the clothes so that they are distributed more evenly. However, this will only be effective for top-load washers. For a permanent solution, you can try to reposition your washer so that they are resting on a level and flat surface. If your laundry area has sufficient space, you can consider buying or building a platform for the washer to sit on.

It Moves

Your washer should not be moving when rinsing, cleaning, and spinning your clothes. Whenever it moves or sways around so vigorously it looks like it is walking, you will need to prepare to get a replacement in the near future. To fix this problem, you can try to check if four of the feet are level. This may be enough for it to stop moving and swaying excessively.

Washer Is Older Than Eight Years Old

Although many newer washers have a lifetime of around 11 years, it is recommended to start searching around for a newer and more efficient washer once yours has hit the eight-year mark. The closer the washer is to the end of its lifetime; the more costly repairs will be.   

Water Not Filling the Drum

If the drum of the washer is not filling up with water, there could be a delayed cycle selection or an issue with the hot and cold-water faucets. If none are the cause of the problem, there may be some complications with the filter or water intake valve, and you will need to engage a professional to take a closer look.


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