How To Recycle Your Appliances

Every Earth day, we get a reminder on how important recycling is for the environment. We take out our recycling bins, learn which are the recyclable plastics, and gently remind ourselves that we can do better by cleaning our drink cans before placing them in the recycle bin. At this point, you may feel that recycling common household items is easy and simple. However, when it comes to larger appliances such as refrigerators or freezers, we may not know how to go about recycling them. This is an easy guide to give you more ideas on how to responsibly discard and recycle your appliances.


Sometimes, there may be local scrap metal recyclers who can make use of a number of old freezers and refrigerators. When speaking to them, make sure to talk about the various ways they have in mind to take care of your old appliance to ensure that it will be recycled in a proper manner.


If your appliance retailer does not provide any proper recycling protocol, contact your local electric utility or energy office. Several energy companies are now starting to support statewide recycling programs of unused old appliances. Not only will this ensure that your appliance is properly disposed of, you may also receive rebates in the form of credits or cash.


  • Unplug the appliance for a few days first to let it cool down before recycling.
  • For older freezers, refrigerators, and air conditioners, you will have to confirm whether the recycler will remove Freon. Otherwise, you will have to contact a professional to remove Freon.
  • If you are getting rid of an appliance that is still in good working condition and less than five years old, do consider donating it.
  • Tape your doors with duct or masking tape so that they will not fly open while being transported.
  • Use a dolly to transport your appliances, as they are way too heavy for one person to hold and carry them.

Before you recycle anything, check if it really needs to be disposed. Many times, it may still be working well. There are a few options such as selling the appliance, or donating them. Some appliances that can be recycled include air conditioners, dishwashers, and microwaves. If they are still in good working condition, you can donate them to charitable organizations. Many local cities offer pick up service where they will come to collect the appliances to recycle.
For appliances that are no longer working, they can be used for scrap metal. There is a process to remove any harmful substances and iron from the appliance, and then the case or body can be re used again. Many construction companies use these appliances often and re purpose them for a variety of uses. This is another good way to recycle your appliances.


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