Almost everybody hopes to save money on energy bills. From switching off the lights to using portable air conditioners, saving energy and cutting down on your monthly electrical bills is much easier than you think. One way you may not have considered to save is to conserve energy while preparing meals and cooking in the kitchen. Not only will this result in a big difference in the long term, it will also help you save a significant amount of money on your energy bills. Whether you are using a gas cooktop or an electric cooktop, it is extremely easy to go green in the kitchen. Below are some quick and simple ways to save energy for your cooktops.
When burner pans turn black as a result of heavy usage, the burner efficiency will be significantly reduced. Hence, the best way to make sure that you will not waste energy with a grimy cooktop is to clean it regularly and keep it sparkling. It is important to clean it consistently to prevent any build-up.
Naturally, the lesser time you spend cooking, the lesser energy you will use. Hence, it is recommended to plan your meals ahead so as to decrease cook time, and go for energy efficient cooking methods. One way to do so is to prepare for future meals ahead of time such as cooking extra portions so that you can reheat easily later. Not only will it help you save time the following day, you will also not be using additional energy apart from what is needed to heat up your food.
A warped pan could potentially waste around 50 percent of the heat used on a cooktop. However, a flat plan will use up almost all the energy. Similarly, if you use superior quality cookware that is made using highly conductive materials, you will achieve the same results while consuming approximately 25 percent less heat. For instance, pans with a copper bottom are more effective on cooktops.
Many cooking methods that are energy efficient cooking are also often the easiest. You may want to consider investing in a slow cooker or pressure cooker so you can prepare meals safely when you are not at home. You can also try a variety of other appliances that will help you save energy and make your cooking experience easier. For instance, rice makers are a wonderful alternative to cooking rice on cooktops. They are designed to cook rice in a perfect manner and will use significantly less energy that a cooktop.
Leftovers do not have to be only food from the previous night. You can cook in bulk, and freeze food items like pasta sauce in small serving portions. When you are ready to eat, simply reheat in the oven or microwave instead of using the cooktop.
There are plenty of amazing recipes for one-pot meals. This will make cooking easier and help you save energy. Essentially, all you need to do is find a suitable pan for a simple and energy-efficient meal. This will save a significant amount of energy and reduce the cleanup required as well.